Hypertension Prevention for First Responders HPFR, Inc

Dear Members,

The UFADBA Welfare Fund is happy to announce a new benefit to all active members. We have teamed up with Dr. David Ores, MD and Mount Sinai's Cardiology Department to provide participating members with a bluetooth enabled blood pressure cuff that they can use to monitor their blood pressure. Blood pressures will be recorded in an associated smart phone app. Mount Sinai will monitor for anomalies in participating member's blood pressures. It is encouraged that all members continue to see a primary care physician annually. Recorded blood pressures are able to be sent to your personal physicians, for their review, at your annual physical or upon request. Please read below a message from Dr. David Ores, which includes directions on how to sign up for the program.

All provided private medical information is only accessible to Dr. David Ores and Mount Sinai. UFADBA has no access to any of this information with the exception of a list of the names of participating members.


UFADBA Welfare Fund

Hypertension Prevention for First Responders, HPFR, Inc

The problem: many first responders have a high level of hypertension related illness, disability and death early in life. Due to, in a large part, undiagnosed or poorly treated high blood pressure over decades.

The solution: weekly BP measurements on a personal internet enabled BP cuff in the privacy of your home.

The program: HPFR in partnership with Mount Sinai cardiology department are working to eliminate BP related illness. The UFA, UFOA and now the UFADBA will purchase internet BP cuffs for their members. Why? At your annual physical you will have 40 or 50 measurements to share with your doctor such that elevated BP will be identified and addressed as early as possible in life. These cuffs also provide a simple and convenient way to follow the BP and the success or failure of ongoing, life long treatment and care.  

Steps: Join the program with the Mt Sinai cardiology department. You then receive a Qardio BP cuff mailed to your home (purchased by your union). Measure your BP once a week or at least every 2 weeks. Share these measurements with your doctor yearly.


The goal: To eliminate undiagnosed or poorly controlled BP (and all the many related problems) in all first responders.

David J. Ores, MD

HPFR, Inc.

Program Director

189 East 2nd street

New York, NY 10009

Text: 917 723 4206

Fax: 646 349 5328

Email: drdave.lesm@gmail.com